Frankfurt am Main

„The oldest and most traditional automobile club of Germany, AvD, moves to a new headquarter close to one of the major European north-south motorways, the A5.“


Site 6.086 qm
GFA (above-ground) 5.715 qm
Start of construction 10/ 2015
Completion 11/ 2016
Architects SHP-Architekten, Darmstadt

Current Projects

Every property a custom-made for our clients.

All Projects
FCA Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (Lindley Quartier)
B&B Hotel
OstStern Wohnen West
VTB Bank
Beschaffungsamt des Bundesministeriums des Innern
Bürohaus Myliusstraße
Universum (Lindley Quartier)
HOLM House of Logistics & Mobility